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- Digital Experience
Helping customers help themselves: How to offer exceptional self-service
The rise of self-service in customer support empowers customers to resolve product issues and questions, but experts agree - successful self-service shouldn’t end there. Read these tips, including when to outsource.
- Trust & Safety
Three things to consider when outsourcing your social media customer service
It’s possible to achieve success when outsourcing social media, but it’s critical to do your homework on the prospective partnership, set clear goals, and integrate people to achieve the best outcomes. Experts share tips.
- Customer ExperienceGames
How to develop a world-class approach to customer service in gaming
A players’ loyalty in gaming should never be taken for granted. From World Gaming to World Gaming League, industry experts share what it means to create amazing player experiences using customer service. Read their tips.
- Customer Experience
BPO: The ideal breeding ground for BPI (Business Process Improvement)
Why have contact centers become a breeding ground for BPI methods? One of the reasons is the sheer number of processes, lending itself to the application of most BPI tools and methodologies.
- Customer Experience
How to anticipate customer needs
From mobile support and gamification, to speedy response times and personalization, this article explores a few ways to get ahead of customer service requests — and even delight customers along the way.
- Customer ExperienceFinancial Services & Fintech
Four keys to retaining Millennial customers in fintech – industry experts share tips
Are fintech companies doing everything they can to keep the business of Millennials? Experts share four ways to retain your Millennial customers including finding the right partners, adding self-service, and more.
- Digital Experience
Cybersecurity: How to excel at customer service in a cybersecurity crisis
Cybersecurity threats are beginning to redefine excellence in customer service. This article explores how to rise to the challenge, even strengthening customer relationships and loyalty - along the way, and after the fact.
- Digital ExperienceFinancial Services & Fintech
In customer experience and user-centered design, why fintechs are beating big banks
Fintechs take a single banking service, understand pain points and make an improved application for that one service. In fintech, user-centered thinking makes for an outstanding customer experience.
- Digital Experience
Omnichannel: 4 pillars of a purposeful omnichannel customer service strategy
As researcher Bréne Brown said it best: “When you own your story, you get to write the ending.” The same holds true for owning the customer experience - where establishing an omnichannel strategy plays a big role.
- People & Culture
Top techniques to inspire agents and ensure positive CX
It’s difficult to deliver exceptional customer service when the person doing the delivering is dreaming of escape. What do the best contact centers do? Here’s our top 6 tips to inspire your people.
- Customer Experience
Start-ups and outsourcing: How to achieve growth and innovation
You need to run your company, so why add contact center manager to your resume? Today, value comes from enlisting subject matter experts to help grow your business in a strategic way. Outsourcing offers just that.
- Customer Experience
Pushing past the hype of Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Ever since its inception, NPS has become the darling of management teams all over, and, as such, many organizations now use NPS as their primary CSAT tool. But is everyone relying too much on a single question?
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