Digital Experience

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  1. Illustration of a "Contact Us" form with fields for "name," "email," "message" and a "Submit" button, accompanied by a depiction of a customer service agent on a laptop and related customer service iconography

  2. Photograph of a person holding and speaking into a smartphone, meant to symbolize voice technology

  3. Three customer service agents behind computers with various iconography floating around them, including conversation bubbles, paper airplanes, check marks and "24/7", all meant to symbolize right channeling

  4. Illustration of a smartphone, a credit card, coins and a shield with a lock icon, all meant to symbolize customer experience for banking and financial services brands

  5. Illustration of a lock made out of microchips, meant to symbolize data security

  6. 3D illustration of an arrow that looks like an upward trend on a line chart

  7. Illustration of a touch screen device depicting a person, as well as icons to convey healthcare customer service (including speech bubbles, check boxes, a clock and pill capsules)

  8. Person sitting on the edge of a hospital bed, looking out to a cityscape and a bright future

  9. Illustration of two people standing in front of a smartphone with a speaker icon meant to symbolize voice assistance.

  10. Two people facing a laptop screen and smiling, with one of them holding a credit card

  11. Image of connected data points that look like a landscape of hills

  12. Illustration showing hands holding a globe, a smartphone and a light bulb.

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